
Monday, June 12, 2017

CURE DIABETES in 5 MINUTES! Discovered by Filipino Doctor! Must see!

Diabetes is such a life threatening disease. The worst part of this illness is the complications that it would cause to our body. Sometimes or usually diabetes would cause kidney damage, nerve damage, blindness and even amputations. No one for sure wants to experience these things that I have mentioned above. Well, in my life I have seen some people who has a Diabetes, one of them has a very dark colored feet. It looks like he was wearing boots. My comrades says that his insides are rotting and if that person is wounded, the wound would not heal and his feet would rot like hell, its gross but its true.
According to the International Diabetes Federation, Philippines is one of the world's emerging diabetes hot spots. No wonder, Filipinos' food habits contributes to these fact. Carbonated beverages, sweet delicacies and other foods that has so many sugars, these are the number one contributors to diabetes. But worry no more, a Filipino doctor have just discovered a cure that would banish your diabetes in just five minutes. Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, Doctor of Metabolic Medicine, an 82 year old Filipino Doctor discovers food that cure diabetes in 5 minutes. Conventional drug based medicine treats diabetes as being caused by sweets but according to Dr. Dy-Liacco, diabetes is caused by a deficiency in 6 specific minerals: vanadium, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, and gymnema sylvestre. If your body does not have enough of these then you get diabetes. On the other hand if your body have these minerals in sufficient amount, you can eat all the sweets that you want and your blood sugar will not go up beyond what is normal. His cure is composed of the following ingredients: * 12 pieces of red hot chili (siling labuyo, Scientific Name: _Capsicum Frutescens_), chopped fine * 2 raw eggs (organic/fertilized) * 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Mix well all of these and eat straight up. You may follow it up with a glass of water if you want. Within 5 minutes, blood sugar will normalize. Caution: please don't take this on an empty stomach on account of the chili peppers.